Off-Site Shredding

  • (terms may change for work outside of Dublin)

  • Collection under 300 bags / boxes (3000kg)

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Free Shredding Promise

Free of Charge
  • (terms may change for work outside of Dublin)

  • Collection over 300 bags / boxes (3000kg)

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On-Site Shredding

  • (terms may change for work outside of Dublin)

  • Irrespective of quantity

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Free Shredding Promise

Key Points

  • Our unique promise – is targeted at collecting and shredding bulk and archive clearouts in excess of 300 bags / boxes (3000kg). For small (light) collections – nominal fixed charge €80
  • The paper can be of any grade, colour or texture and can be held in hanging-files, lever-arch-files and envelopes. All paper is treated as confidential and therefore all paper is shredded
  • After collection, the paper is brought to our destruction facility and shredded on arrival, using our Allegheny Shredding System
  • A GDPR compliant Certificate is issued when the job is done
  • There is no catch or strings attached to this unique promise. Quite simply – our superior machines enables us to operate more efficiently. Our revenue is from the sale of shredded paper to international paper mills for manufacture into tissue paper


We are promising to collect and shred your paper free of charge

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